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«Наука через призму времени»

Апрель, 2018 / Международный научный журнал
«Наука через призму времени» №4 (13) 2018

Автор: Меслемани Хала, магистран
Рубрика: Технические науки
Название статьи: The purpose of repair the monolithic reinforced concrete slabs of buildings damaged by external power effects, by using protective-constructional polymer mortar and concrete

Статья просмотрена: 534 раз
Дата публикации: 28.03.2018


Hala Meslsmani, graduate student

Меслемани Хала, магистрант

ТГТУ, кафедра "Городское строительство и автомобильные дороги", гамбов


Abstract. During seven years of continuous war in Syria, a huge number of damages occurred to civil and industrial buildings. Some of them are not recoverable and they will be destroyed. At the same time, there are a large number of buildings which containing elements with minor damages that can be repaired, and elements with partial loss of load-bearing capacity, which can be strengthened and repaired. Especially in building with solid reinforced concrete slabs, which is widely used in Syrian civil and industrial construction.

Key words: concrete slabs, reinforced, cracks, polymer solutions, repairing damaged structures


This article describes the principles of repair the solid reinforced concrete slabs, Based on years of Russian experience in repairing load-bearing structures that have defected and damaged [1].

Analysis the damage in solid reinforced concrete slabs, arising at external force impacts, show that in the body of slab there is a large amount of damage in concrete from the impact of fragments on it when tearing shells. These damages are mostly superficial in the form of destruction of the protective layer and exposure of the bearing and structural reinforcement. According to Russian experience for such damages in many cases, it is sufficient to restore the destroyed concrete. In this case, the fastest and most effective recovery method is to use protective-constructive polymer mortar and polymer concrete. Polymer-cement slurry and concretes have been using in construction works for a long time in Russia. The basis of their manufacture and applications lay on the fundamental work of Academician RAASN Solomatova V.E. [2, 3].

Now a day in Russia and countries of CIS there is a rich experience in restoration the damaged sections of structures with polymer mortar and concrete while repair, reconstruct or build of civil buildings, as well as in the reconstruct and repair of industrial buildings. Detailed recommendations for their application can be found based on this experience. [4, 5, 6, 7]

Below we consider the possibility of using this experience in repair solid slabs that have fragmented concrete damage and cracks that have arisen.

The process of restoring damaged structures includes several consecutive stages. At the first stage, the damaged structures are inspected in order to establish the degree of damage and the possibility of further operation of the structures with the existing damages, as well as the preparation of defective statements indicating the types and amounts of needed repairing work.

It should be noted that in the process of inspecting buildings damaged by external force, it is necessary to establish the remaining load-bearing capacity of structures, in this case of slabs. If the carrying capacity is insufficient, have to choose how to strengthen it [8,9] and, accordingly, to carry out repair work on the restoration of damaged concrete in conjunction with reinforcement of structures, taking into account the adopted method of strengthening [1,8].

The second stage is the choice of the repair method in the damaged sections of the structures and determination of composition of the repair mixtures according to the chosen method.

In this case, the monolithic slabs maybe damaged of different type:

         Surface damage to the protective layer of concrete, without stripping of the supporting armature;

         Deep damage with stripping of the supporting armature;

         Deep damage along with cracks in the deeper damaged concrete;

         Surface and deep cracks.

The third stage is the development of recovery technology and its practical execution .Technology depends on the type of damage.

Cracks, depending on their width, are filled or injected with unfilled composition, the composition of which includes the base component ,like ,epoxy resin ,plasticizer ,solvent, hardener, according to [5] , the content of the components depends on the classes (compositions NK-1-NK-15)  and is determined by their formulation.

With this method, not only sealing cracks is provided, but also practically strengthened the connection between sections of the dissected structures. Injection of cracks by polymer solution can be carried out through injection tubes of surface or deep type (depending on the type of crack).

Step tube chosen depending on the depth and width of the crack opening defined in the first step when examine the structures.

Repair the damaged concrete with a relatively small breakage can be made by filling in the destruction of highly filled polymer solutions, composition that include the basic components in form of epoxy or other resins, plasticizer, solvent, curing agent and, in contrast to the previous composition, a filler of silica sand, granite and other flour. The content and type of components, according to [5], depends on the classes (compositions CK1-CK15) and determined by their formulation.

When significant amounts of damage produced concreting of damaged concrete filler on coarse sand (sand concrete). In this case, to repair the surfaces must applied with adhesive coatings, which includes a hardener of resins, plasticizer, solvents, hardener and filler .The content and type of components, according to [5], depends on the classes of coating (CK1-CK15) and is determined by their formulation.

With deep cracks and existence on their external surfaces significant concrete spalling, repairs should be in two stages.

First, should be injected the solution into the cracks, and then work on repaired the destroyed part with concrete on the fine-grained aggregate with preliminary adhesive coating of the damage surfaces.

In general, the analysis of the existing joint of damage fixing in concrete structures using polymer solutions and concretes gives grounds to consider it the most promising method for repairing damaged bearing structures in civil and industrial buildings in Syria.


Список литературы:

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