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«Наука через призму времени»

Апрель, 2022 / Международный научный журнал
«Наука через призму времени» №4 (61) 2022

Автор: Баймулданова Талшын Талгаткызы, Магистрант
Рубрика: Экономические науки
Название статьи: Роль управления персоналом в достижении конкурентного преимущества

Статья просмотрена: 830 раз
Дата публикации: 11.04.2022

УДК 331.1


Баймулданова Талшын Талгаткызы

Мейрамбек Асыл Ернаркызы


Университет имени Сулеймана Демиреля Казахстан, г. Каскелен


Аннотация. В данной статье оценивается роль управления человеческими ресурсами в конкурентном преимуществе фирмы. В статье анализируются исследования, проведенные среди Казахстанских фирм по теме человеческих ресурсов и их влияния на получение конкурентного преимущества, при этом предполагается гипотеза об игнорировании отделов кадров, занимающихся в основном административной работой организации, а не выработкой стратегического подхода к ее основным задачамтношение конкурентного преимущества организации к человеческим ресурсам будет обсуждаться и оцениваться в этой статье.

Ключевые слова: управление человеческими ресурсами, конкурентное преимущество, человеческий капитал, кадровые практики.



BaimuldanovaTalshyn T.

MeyrambekAssyl Y.

master’s degree

SuleymanDemirelUniversity Kazakhstan, Kaskelen


Abstract. The given article evaluates the role of Human Resource Management in the firms’ competitive advantage. The paper analyzes the researchconducted among the Kazakhstan’s firms on the topic of human resource and its impact on gaining the competitive advantage, assuming hypothesis of human resources departments being neglected and dealing mainly with administrative work of the organization rather than developing strategic approach to its main objective. The relation of competitive advantage of the organization to the human resources is to be discussed and assessed in this article.

Keywords: human resource management, competitive advantage, human capital, human resources practices.



Traditionally, functions providing personnel management are often perceived as of provided by the human resources (later referred as HR), including the services of the main business processes of the firm. Given the role of human capital in the competitiveness of the firm, it can be argued that this representation does not meet the requirements of the time. HR are considered as main factor underlying differences and uniqueness of each firm from one another, defining the employee’s degree of commitment to the companies’ establishment [5].

According to Wright and McMahanthe role of HR in gaining the competence has been appreciated and given the matter in the last few years [6]. The reason behind is the fact that people are unique at different firms and so, implementation of HR strategies may not work the same for the staff of competitor companies. Hence this may leadthe competitive advantage to remain sustained.

Notwithstanding contemporarily developed ideas stating that HR should be given appropriate precedence, human resource departments are given low priority comparing to other departments as finance, business strategy etc., due one of the reasons being bureaucratic management system and HR not used to be designed as a key player in developing competitive advantage[4].

To better comprehend the importance of HR and its establishment in gaining the competitive advantage, the research of the article includes surveying 42 directors and managers and 5 food, non-food Kazakhstan’s organizations and discussionof the results, considering questions as following:

  1. What are the differentiating factors of one company from others?
  2. To what extend HR is considered to be as key of competitiveness?
  3. What can be improved in giving HR the sufficient provision as the source of competitive advantage?
  4. Do the Kazakhstani organizations have HR departments and stated strategy? What do their tasks include?


Theoretically, the general objective of HR management is provision of organizations success through people, which is intangible resource of any other company. Moreover, a conceptual foundation for tying sustainable HR management to employer branding is to be consideredas a way of attracting and retaining a high-quality workforce due to the shortage of highly qualified and motivated personnel[3].

Given that organizations may invest in talent but that such people might leave to work for competitors, it is important to know what workers value most about their jobs: salary, advancement possibilities, freedom, supervision, and so on.

According to empirical background research held by Berisha-Qehaja&Kutllovci, employee engagement is connected to the quality of services, and HR policies are major factors of employee satisfaction [2]. Thus, the HR departments’ both strategic and administrative works operation is essential without one being given more importance than other. However, while majority of firms neglect strategic functionality of HR departments, developed organizations practice more time being spent on promotion of strategic human resource planning and strategic activities of the department.

Barneybelieves when resources are valued, in scarce, non-substitutable, and unique, they are seen as strategic and significant, allowing the business to obtain a prolonged competitive edge [1]. In order to obtain a competitive advantage through human resources, four characteristics must be met: worth, uniqueness, and the difficulties of replicating or replacing these competitive advantages.

Methodology and Results

The study used primary data obtained through a questionnaire survey to investigate the role of human resources in delivering competitive advantages in distribution enterprises in Kazakhstan. The following approaches were utilized to resolve this issue: analysis, synthesis, and the comparative method. 7 distribution firms of the Kazakhstan and 42 directors, managers participated in survey consisting of 21 questions.

Questions in the survey were constructed in a way that offers to test 5 hypotheses as following:

  1. Distribution companies in Kazakhstan do not see human resources as a source of sustainable competitive advantage.
  2. Distribution companies in Kazakhstan lack an HR strategy plan.
  3. Most distribution companies in Kazakhstan lack an HR department.
  4. HR departments at distribution businesses in Kazakhstan generally handle administrative tasks.
  5. HR procedures are comparable in distribution organizations with and without an HR department.

According to the questionary and testing first hypothesis, hypothesis is confirmed since as per distribution organizations of Kazakhstan HR not seen as source of sustainable competitive advantage. The HR to be a source of competitive advantage, it should have value, be in scarce, non-substitutable, and unique, which is not confirmed according to the survey. Majority of participants noted HR as valuable, needed and the source which is not in scarce. Similarly, most of respondents think that HR is very easy to replicate, and that HR is substitutable source.  Consequently, distribution firms in Kazakhstan see HR as source of competitive parity, the purpose of which is to achieve the same level of performance as a competitor or the market average.

Second hypothesis is confirmed as well, based on the respondents answer where more than 80% do not have defined HR strategy, while remaining minority stated that they do.

Presence of HR departments at distribution firms in Kazakhstan distributed equally, while part of surveyed firms have HR departments, other part lack HR department.

Based on the survey, majority of organizations carry out administrative work rather than strategic planning, furthermore 11.57% responded as dealing with long-term planning and 9.17% with short-term planning. However, no firms carry only administrative work out, meaning that both administrative and strategic work are carried out together.

Notwithstanding the presence of HR departments, distribution firms in Kazakhstan have similar procedures of HR activities regardless of work and presence of HR departments. According to the results knowing the main objective of passing through people in Strategic Management of HR is to focus on more strategic concerns of HR development and their treatment as the firm's major resource, and that HR departments in Kazakhstan are primarily acting as a unit that was formerly known as personnel.


Human resources are one of the most essential assets of the company. Without a question, human resources can help businesses gain a competitive advantage. Human resource efficiency is closely connected to corporate performance. So, enterprises should focus on transforming their abilities into a source of competitive advantage in order to gain a competitive edge.

HR procedures at the distribution companies examined in Kazakhstan generally includes interviewing candidates for new positions, wage increases depending on employee performance, and promotions of talented personnel. Monitoring performance at least once a year is not customary at these companies. None of the distribution organizations examined in Kazakhstan provide regular training to their employees. This is not to say that training is not provided at those companies, but it is not done on a regular basis.

The distribution companies studied in Kazakhstan appear to have nearly identical HR procedures, but in a relatively narrow area of emphasis. According to the findings of this empirical investigation, human resource departments in these organizations primarily perform the same functions as people previously. As a result, the HR departments must step in to handle both administrative and strategic tasks.


  1. Barney,J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of management, 17(1), 99-120.
  2. Berisha-Qehaja, A., Kutllovci, E. (2015). The role of Human Resources in gaining competitive advantage. Journal of Human Resource Management, Volume 18, Issue 2, pp. 47-6.
  3. Kutllovci, E. (2004). Human Resource Management. University of Prishtina.
  4. Lawler III, E. E. (2008). Talent: Making people your competitive advantage. John Wiley & Sons.
  5. Porter, M. E. (1985). Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance With a New Introduction, First Free Press, New York.
  6. Wright, P. M., & McMahan, G. C. (2011). Exploring human capital: putting “human” back into strategic human resource management. Human resource Management Journal, 21(2), 93-104.


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